Arcadia was a region of ancient Greece that became symbolic for a desire for pastoral scenery and a sense of harmony with nature. For many Renaissance writers, it evoked a longing for a lost Edenic paradise and its pastoral simplicity. Painters such as Thomas Cole later endeavored to capture its beauty in artwork such as his Arcadian or Pastoral State (above).
At Edgewood, our goal is to give you a taste of such a place for your wedding or corporate event: a place where you, your family, and your friends, or your group can relax, breathe the fresh air, and drink in the beauty of the lush Virginia countryside. You’ll feel like you’ve been transported to a simpler time where the experience of mountains, fields, woods, and streams were daily delights. For example, the Spanish poet Lope de Vega described the idea of the Arcadian countryside in the following words . . .
“Does not the pleasantness of this place carry in itself sufficient reward for any time lost in it, or for any such danger that might ensue? Do you not see how everything conspires together to make this place a heavenly dwelling? Do you not see the grass, how in color they excel the emeralds …? Do not these stately trees seem to maintain their flourishing old age, with the only happiness of their seat being clothed with a continual spring, because no beauty here should ever fade? Doth not the air breathe health which the birds (both delightful both to the ear and eye) do daily solemnize with the sweet consent of their voices? Is not every echo here a perfect music?” Lope de Vega
While we know that such a perfect landscape and experience cannot be obtained in this life, it is our goal and desire to create a setting that will encourage and inspire you during your time with us. If there’s anything we can do to help achieve that goal for your event, please don’t hesitate to share it with us. We are grateful for the opportunity to share this wonderful place with you.
Your Hosts: Jeremiah & Amy Pent
We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary in the last year and have experienced the rewards and challenges of married life during that time, including seven children. From our early days as high school sweethearts to our recent family addition of our first grandchild, we are grateful to God for our years together and desire other couples to experience the goodness of married life that we have enjoyed. Whether you’re planning a wedding or corporate event, our goal is to make your time here something that you remember and cherish for years to come.